All is One
Minden egy

The foundation of everything, the Truth, and with it the possibility of the arrival of the Final Good is obscured the moment we first look away.

When the other person searches for the right words to bridge the terrible distance between the heart and the mouth.

It hurts like a beating, the thought that sometimes you can not find the words because there is nothing, really nothing to express through them.

As long as he or she pretends they exist, I look away. I close my eyes. (Now it is bearable.) Hearing what is not there. (I'm thinking about something else now.) Adding a meaning that the other person never meant.

A game. There are two of us in it. (Just you and me alone.)

How long?

Until then.

Until Lord Pluto says: we will settle.

Three. Two. One. Zero.

What if Three is too much? If you do not have the Two?

What if there is all alone:


The words I want to hear from the other person, I can not find them even in myself.

The love I expect others to feel for me: do I have it for myself?

Lilith's bleeding wound, inflicted by Two, becomes One. She herself tears open and claws at the old scab.

There is no other way through the eye of the needle than that of giving something up.

To give up the one thing that is most difficult to let go of.

Letting go of the pain. Both of beating and being beaten.

Letting go of Everything.

(Now there is everything.)


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Rings of water ripple around his face as he rises to the surface.

Guru Nanak emerges from the water after three days and says: Ek ong kar. 

Ek ong kar2

All the wisdom of the created world is rooted in these words:

All is one.

What I thought was outside of me is within me.

What I wanted to hear from someone else, I will say.

What I wanted to talk about, I realise: it is unnecessary to talk about it. Because the love pounding at the bottom of everything must be acted upon. The light pulsating from unity through my pores into the universe is nothing other than the acting, flowing love of the Source.

All is one: I slowly realised that the root of the roots, the foundation of the foundations, the unshakable cornerstone is not a stationary resting point, but a flowing, constantly changing axis of the world.

All is one: perhaps it is not too late for me to realise that the root of the roots, the foundation of the foundations, is the unconditional, tender love I have for myself. Why do we long to walk the familiar way of the cross and drag ourselves through the pain of our wounds to justification? Perhaps because it is hard to deviate from the familiar. Letting go of the pain is a painful experience.

If the person who is nailed to the cross of space and time turns towards himself with love and is willing to come down from the cross, he stops time and avoids fate. He is no longer forced by the cycles of karma, but is smoothed into the nurturing circulation of the umbilical cord that connects it to Everything.


In the ring All Is One flow the waves of the power of the mystery of self-redemption.



(Quotes: J. Pilinszky)

(Photo credit: Pexels, R Fera; Rex Joshua Alarcon)