About reconnecting: Reconnection collection #1

It feels as if something has broken. Maybe that is okay. Perhaps something has ended, something that will not be missed, and now there is an opportunity to build something new in place of the old one.

But maybe this is not the end, I am just out of tune, something is interfering with the broadcast and I have to switch to a new frequency.

And in retrospect, it may seem as if there was no connection at all.

Reconnection: Do I realise the need for it?

Do I notice the possibility of a connection?

Reorganising into the body-soul-spirit unity; contacting the missing parts.

‘I am whole.’

Reconnecting to the past-present-future continuum. Knowing and taking back the past. Living in the present and entrusting the future to Grace.

‘I am in a flow.’

Reconnecting with the Earth, the Sky, and in between the two: with myself. Finding myself again, taking root in my own existence. Getting home at last.

‘I am authentic.’

Setting my boundaries. This is what Flóra Farkas' great metaphor is about:


"The triangle must give up being a triangle to avoid friction in a circular world. (…) This is a lost state, where we no longer remember being a triangle, because we have given up our boundaries, which had made us a triangle, so long ago. (…) The way: (…) loving ourselves being different, our uniqueness.” 

‘I am unrepeatable.’

But will we not hinder each other by triangulating the circle? Perhaps, if the vertices of the triangle are the result of our assumed self-identity rather than the allures of the ego, then we can connect like gears with other triangles – and the machine turnsOf course, not all gears are compatible with each other. It is our job to find the place where, as a whole, we belong in the operation of the Great Plan, helping others on the way.

‘I am in the right place.’

Understanding that the Holy Trinity should not be sought outside because we are part of it. Reconnecting with the universe. Finding our way back to creation and taking responsibility for our creations.

‘I recognise the Holy Trinities of my life.’

‘I am reconnecting.’